Vzhledem k různým režimům nabíjení a různým požadavkům na cílových trzích je třeba usilovat o interoperabilitu nabíjecích zásuvných systémů. To vše je zaznamenáno v následujících normách a směrnicích pro elektromobilitu.
IEC 62196-1 / IEC 62196-2 / IEC 62196-3 – Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle Connectors and Vehicle Inlets – Conductive charging of electric vehicles
- Part 1: General requirements
- Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for a.c. pin and contact-tube accessories
- Part 3: Dimensional interchangeability requirements for d.c. pin and contact-tube vehicle couplers
IEC61851-1 / -21 / -22 / -23 / -24 Electric vehicle conductive charging system
- Part 1: General requirements
- Part 21-1: Electric vehicle onboard charger EMC requirements for conductive connection to an AC/DC
- Part 21-2: EMC requirements for OFF board electric vehicle charging systems (under preparation) supply
- Part 22: AC electric vehicle charging station (in future merged with 61851-1)
- Part 23: DC Electric vehicle charging station
- Part 24: Control communication protocol between off-board DC charger and electric vehicle
ISO/IEC 17409
- Electrically propelled road vehicles – Connection to an external electric power supply – Safety requirements
IEC 62752
- In-Cable Control and Protection Device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD) ISO/IEC 15118 – Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface
- Part 1: General information and use-case definition
- Part 2 Technical protocol description and Open Systems Interconnections (OSI) layer requirements
- Part 3: Physical layer and Data Link layer requirements
IEC 60364-7-722 (ČSN 33 2000-7-722) – Low-voltage electrical installations
- Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations – Supply of Electric vehicle (Elektrické instalace nízkého napětí – Část 7-722: Zařízení jednoúčelová a ve zvláštních objektech – Napájení elektrických vozidel)
DIN 61439-7 – Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
- Part 7: Assemblies for specific applications such as marinas, camping sites, market squares, electric vehicles charging stations
SAE J1772
- SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler
GB/T 20234.1 / .2 / .3 – Connection set of conductive charging for electric vehicles
- Part 1: General requirements
- Part 2: AC charging coupler
- Part 3: DC charging coupler
NEC 625 – Electric Vehicle Charging System
UL-1998 – Software in Programmable Components
UL-2202 – Safety of EV Charging System Equipment
UL-2231 – Safety of Personnel Protection Systems for EV Supply Circuits
UL-2251 – Safety of Plugs, Receptacles, and Couplers for EVs
UL-2594 – Safety of EV Supply Equipment
Průvodce elektromobilitou
Elektromobilita je poměrně hojně zmiňované téma. Setkáváme se často se zkreslenými nebo nepravdivými informacemi. Proto jsme se rozhodli udělat základní přehled informací, které jsou spojené s nabíjením elektrického vozu.
AC / DC nabíjení
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